Jonas Brothers release new video starring the women in their lives, Priyanka Chopra, Sophie Turner and Danielle Jonas (video)

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The Jonas Brothers and the women in their lives are one big happy family on Instagram and they are now proving to us that they make a great team also as they all teamed up for a new music video which has just been released.

The Jonas Brothers – Nick Jonas, Kevin Jonas, and Joe Jonas – debuted their first new song in ten years titled Sucker, with a live stream of the accompanying music video.


Jonas Brothers release new video starring the women in their lives, Priyanka Chopra, Sophie Turner and Danielle Jonas (video)


The video featured all of the brothers, Kevin, 31, Joe, 29 and Nick, 26, along with the women in their lives.


Jonas Brothers release new video starring the women in their lives, Priyanka Chopra, Sophie Turner and Danielle Jonas (video)


Nick Jonas’ new wife Priyanka Chopra, Joe’s fiancee, Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner and Kevin’s wife Danielle all featured in the music video which is currently trending.


Jonas Brothers release new video starring the women in their lives, Priyanka Chopra, Sophie Turner and Danielle Jonas (video)


Sharing a short clip to Instagram, Priyanka Chopra wrote: “#SuckerVideo OUT NOW ?? This is the first time we’ve worked together but not for a moment did it feel like work. Such a fun family affair…#JonasBrothers and the #JSisters cheering each other on! Proud of you husband. (Link in bio)”


Jonas Brothers release new video starring the women in their lives, Priyanka Chopra, Sophie Turner and Danielle Jonas (video)

Jonas Brothers release new video starring the women in their lives, Priyanka Chopra, Sophie Turner and Danielle Jonas (video)


Watch the video below.


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