Elections: US congratulates President Buhari, Nigerians

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The United States Government has congratulated Nigeria on a successful presidential election that held last Saturday and also congratulated President Buhari on his re-election.

The US Secretary of State, Michael Pompeo, in a letter titled ‘Nigerian Election Results’, sent to President Buhari, praised Nigerians who participated peacefully in the election.

The US government also condemed the violence that characterised the elections in some parts of the country. The statement in part reads

“We note the assessments of international and domestic observer missions affirming the overall credibility of the election, despite localized violence and irregularities. We also congratulate all the other candidates for their peaceful participation in the electoral process. We call on all Nigerians to ensure successful state elections next week. Going forward, the United States remains committed to working together with Nigeria to achieve greater peace and prosperity for both our nations”.

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