Surveillance video from inside store shows the Nigerian brothers involved in the Jussie Smollett attack buying masks and hats for the attack

Surveillance video from inside store shows the Nigerian brothers involved in the Jussie Smollett attack buying masks and hats for the attack

The two Nigerian brothers accused of staging the attack on Jussie Smollett in Chicago were caught on surveillance camera buying some items Chicago police believe were used in the “attack”.

The video shows Ola and Abel Osundairo at the checkout counter with items such as ski masks, gloves, bandanas, sunglasses and red hats. In another footage, the brothers were seen leaving a store after buying items allegedly used in the attack.

The brothers bought the items the day before the “attack” on Jussie.


Surveillance video from inside store shows the Nigerian brothers involved in the Jussie Smollett attack buying masks and hats for the attack


Following their arrest, the brothers said Jussie Smollet was the one who hired them to stage the attack.

The brothers were at court Tuesday, ready to testify for the grand jury, but were called off at the last minute because Jussie’s attorneys are going to speak to police.

Chicago Police say Jussie is now “officially classified as a suspect in a criminal investigation” and detectives began presenting evidence on Wednesday afternoon to the grand jury.

The “Empire” actor has been charged with felony disorderly conduct for filing a false report after allegedly staging the attack against himself in Chicago.


Surveillance video from inside store shows the Nigerian brothers involved in the Jussie Smollett attack buying masks and hats for the attack


Watch the surveillance footages below.



Embedded video

Rob Elgas


BREAKING: @ABC7Chicago obtains surveillance video that appears to show brothers involved in Smollett investigation leaving a Chicago store after buying items allegedly used in staged attack on Jussie Smollett.

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