Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

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Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

A Nigerian woman has taken to Twitter to accuse her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her.

The woman identified as Mimi and her boyfriend, Jack are on twitter releasing receipts after their relationship went sour.

Mimi claims Jack, who goes to the Cele church, asked her to send him a picture of her palm via WhatsApp. She said she sent the photo and, unknown to her, he used it to jazz her into submitting to his every will, such that she gave him whatever he asked for.

See screenshots of Mimi accusing jack of manipulation and extortion below.

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

Nigerian woman accuses her boyfriend of using jazz on her and extorting her (screenshot)

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