Jose Mourinho is spotted out and about for the first time after being sacked by Manchester United (Photos)

Jose Mourinho is spotted out and about for the first time after being sacked by Manchester United (Photos)

Jose Mourinho,55, has been spotted out and about for the first time after being sacked by Manchester United.

The Portuguese coach whose two-and-a-half year spell at Old Trafford came to an end on Tuesday, was spotted today while enjoying a stroll in London.

Mourinho was approached by Sky Sports News as he walked down the street, and was asked questions regarding his future in management.

Jose Mourinho is spotted out and about for the first time after being sacked by Manchester United (Photos)

Asked about his next move, Mourinho said: ‘No, you know me. You know me. Let me walk. I have nothing to say. You know me, if you want to walk with me then let’s walk to Battersea. I have nothing to say.’
Jose Mourinho is spotted out and about for the first time after being sacked by Manchester United (Photos)

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