Nigerian woman whose husband forced her to lose weight before marriage returns from trip to find a curvy woman’s underwear and used condoms in her home (Photos)


A Nigerian woman whose husband forced her to lose weight before their marriage has been left heartbroken after she returned from a trip to find a curvy woman’s underwear and used condoms in her matrimonial home.

Relationship expert and psychologist, Joro Olumofin, shared screenshots of an email he received from one his readers narrating how she got home from a trip to find a curvy woman’s underwear and used condoms in her matrimonial home.

Nigerian woman whose husband forced her to lose weight before marriage returns from trip to find a curvy woman

The woman also claimed in the mail she sent Joro that she was forced by her husband to lose some weight before they could get married.

Read the mail she sent below.

Nigerian woman whose husband forced her to lose weight before marriage returns from trip to find a curvy womanNigerian woman whose husband forced her to lose weight before marriage returns from trip to find a curvy womanNigerian woman whose husband forced her to lose weight before marriage returns from trip to find a curvy womanNigerian woman whose husband forced her to lose weight before marriage returns from trip to find a curvy womanNigerian woman whose husband forced her to lose weight before marriage returns from trip to find a curvy woman

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