US singer Jacquees dropped two bags stuffed with $100,000 in cash onto the dance floor as wedding gift to his mother (Video)

US singer Jacquees dropped two bags stuffed with $100,000 in cash onto the dance floor as wedding gift to his mother (Video)

American singer and songwriter, Jacquees, surprised his mom on her wedding day by dropping two bags stuffed with $100,000 in bundled bills onto the dance floor as a gift to her.

The wedding ceremony took place on Sunday at the Chateau Elan, a luxury winery, and resort in Braselton, Georgia.

US singer Jacquees dropped two bags stuffed with $100,000 in cash onto the dance floor as wedding gift to his mother (Video)

In a video posted to Instagram by Miss Rici, the 24-year-old singer-songwriter begins with a lovely speech to appreaciate his mother Rosie Broadnax, standing on the dance floor next to the groom.

While saying that he wants to make sure that the couple will be ‘set’ up, he brought a large cloth bag and a Louis Vuitton duffel full of bundled bills and poured them onto the ground.

Sharing an Instagram photo of himself standing next to cash, he wrote’Just gave my mama 100k for her wedding gift. Ion give a f–k what a n—a got to say bout me in da streets !!! LOVE YOU MAMA !!!’

Watch the video below.

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