FG, Labour to announce new minimum wage by 4:15pm today

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FG, Labour to announce new minimum wage by 4:15pm today

The Federal government and the leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress NLC will today by 4.15 pm announce the new minimum wage agreed upon by both parties. After an extensive meeting in Abuja last night, the proposed strike for today November 6th was called off by the unions after both parties agreed on a new minimum wage.


Speaking after the meeting which ended by 10pm yesterday, Ms Amma People, who is the chairman of the Tripartite Committee deliberating on the new minimum wage, told newsmen that the report from the meeting would be presented to President Buhari and that the new minimum wage will be announced to Nigerians by 4.15 pm.

“We are going to present our report to Mr President today at 4:15 ,pm and he will reveal the figure that we have recommended, ” she said

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