US based woman accuses Runtown of of $124k fraud, shares receipts and screenshots


A US based woman identified as Shawn Rene has accused Nigerian popstar, Runtown and his brother of fraud.

According to her,  ‘I wrote him two checks in two companies name, $32,000 and $107,000, after he got the checks and cashed he started saying stories, later on he started saying they would pay after runtown’s show in Canada, I and my fiancée couldn’t have it because, we never invested on anyone’s music, I even had to come down to Kenya just to be certain my fiancée wasn’t involved, and even arrested the Alex, and after investigations and all we found out it was jack, his brother and wife trying to play a fast one on us, his wife claimed they had the money returned to me, which I also have the record of’.

She went on to say, ‘I and my fiancée has used over $18,000 for both legal fees tickets and hotel bills already, he had to even travel to Nigeria to make a report also. This past months I have been dealing with cancer and chemo and catching flights from Texas to New York regularly just as result of my fiancée trusting his fellow country man so much. I gave this people $107,000 and they only paid $150000 to my fiancée. Above was when jack got the check, and also a 3 way call with him Alex and my fiancée’.


LIB however reached out to Runtown’s management who said its a blackmail attempt and the Nigeian security agencies have been notified. According to them,

‘Its all lies, We have contacted the Nigerian security agencies, DSS and EFCC who are all on the matter at the moment. Runtown has never and will never defraud anyone’.

See the videos and screenshots shared by the woman below….


US based woman accuses Runtown of of $124k fraud, shares receipts and screenshots

US based woman accuses Runtown of of $124k fraud, shares receipts and screenshots

US based woman accuses Runtown of of $124k fraud, shares receipts and screenshots

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